Friday, January 22, 2016

Don't Forget Your Ad and Media Panels

As part of the Power 300 Pay System, expired Ad and Media Packs are converted
into Panels.  They pay 150% too, but over a longer period of time.  It's the
Second Half of the ACX Pay Plan.

Currently if Members buy Accelerators that cost more than $7 in the Media Panel
System, they are filling within minutes, due to all the Free Panels being given
to Members.

The Ad Panel System is still currently working on giving Members panels from the
past XpressShift, and after that is completed, the Free Ad Panels given to
Members will also be provided.

Just remember that filling Panels with Accelerators will cause your Panels to
Complete very quickly, which means you make more money.

I work less than 10 minutes a day and get paid and withdraw every day. My best passive income on line and working from home. You need to check it out, and if you think this is scam here is my recent withdrawal proof.

CLICK HERE to register and collect 15$

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